4 Christmas Sermon Ideas You May Not Have Thought About

The most wonderful time of year is right around the corner! It seems we blink and it’s Christmas again. Which is exciting and inspiring but can be a little overwhelming at the same time, especially if you’re a pastor who is trying to come up with another idea for your Christmas sermon.  
But rather than worry about what you will preach concerning Jesus’ birth, start by praying about what God wants to share with your congregation. Then, glance through the sermon ideas below for even more inspiration.  

A Different Perspective 

The birth of Jesus is a beautiful story. Consider preaching about it from a different perspective. There were many others involved in the events leading up to and surrounding His birth. Provide a new outlook on the same story by diving deeper into the various views. 

Preach about Joseph’s perspective, who considered divorcing Mary until an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. (Matthew 1:18-25

Have a sermon through the eyes of Mary, who had questions about the situation but was willing to do what God wanted. (Luke 1:26-28

Share the wise men’s view. They were in search of the Savior so they could worship Him. (Luke 2:1-12

The shepherds were simply tending their flocks when angels appeared to tell them the good news of Jesus’ birth. After hearing and seeing everything, they glorified and praised God. (Luke 2:8-21

Old Testament Prophecies 

Christ’s birth did not occur as a shocking surprise, pulled out as a sudden idea by God. The prophets told about the coming Messiah centuries before He was born. One of the most engaging ways to tell the Christmas story is to trace these prophecies throughout the Old Testament, leading to the climactic event of Jesus’ birth. Realizing that Jesus’ incarnation was foretold beforehand provides even greater assurance since the prophecies came to pass. 

Here are some of the prophecies in the Old Testament concerning the birth of Jesus: 

Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2, fulfilled in Mathew 2:6 and John 7:42

Jesus would be born of a virgin. (Isaiah 7:14, fulfilled in Matthew 1:23

Jesus would be born from the line of David. (Jeremiah 23:5, fulfilled in Luke 3:31

God would call His son out of Egypt. (Hosea 11:1, fulfilled in Matthew 2:13-15

The entire world will be blessed through the descendant of the tribe of Judah. (Genesis 49:8-12, fulfilled in Luke 3:32). 

The Meanings of the Name of Jesus 

It’s beautiful to understand the character of who Jesus is by what His name means. The book of Isaiah not only provides prophecies of the coming Messiah, but shares insight into who He is. We can be confident walking in relationship with Jesus, whose name means: Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, and Immanuel, or “God with us” (Isaiah 9:6-7Isaiah 7:14Matthew 1:23). 

The Significance of the Incarnation 

“Incarnation” can be a confusing or intimidating term, particularly for first-time churchgoers, of which, many will probably be at your Christmas services. Nonetheless, the incarnation is what Christmas is all about. By explaining the term and its significance, you can highlight the absolute necessity of Christ’s coming as a man — in flesh. 

Share about how Jesus left heaven and became a man. (Philippians 2:5-11

Preach about how His incarnation brought us the image of the invisible God. (Colossians 1:15-20

Tell how Jesus, the Word since the beginning of time, became flesh and lived among us. (John 1:1-18

The Gospel at Christmas  

The gospel is at the center of the Christmas story. More than likely, when you preach during the Christmas season, there will be unsaved people who are listening. So, no matter which Christmas story you decide to share, be sure to tell them the good news — the story of redemption and hope. Tell them about Jesus’ birth and death. Tell about His birth and His resurrection. Tell them about Christ’s holiness and their sinfulness. Tell them about the glorious salvation that can be theirs in Christ. That’s why we celebrate the birth of our Savior, because God provided a way for us to have eternal life through Him. 

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